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Bullet-Proof Color-Naming System for iOS Development
Make development easier and lives better by introducing and implementing an intuitive color-naming system.

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Detached tasks allow you to run code asynchronously, but you should be aware of the substantial consequences they introduce.

The Swift Charts framework provides excellent functionality for implementing super custom charts. This week we will learn how to handle user input with gestures to build interactive charts. The Chart type is a simple SwiftUI view, which means you can attach gestures and buttons to interact with the chart.

Many iOS apps have screens where the header view stretches out when you pull down the screen. It’s a commonly used and loved component, so it’s strange that it’s not natively available in UIKit or SwiftUI. In this post, let’s look at how to implement such a header view.

The world lives on API responses. That means, we live in Codable modeled off JSON, so here’s how I quickly built models using pretty printed String dumps.

Since Xcode 11, we can easily integrate Swift Package dependencies into our project. Let's learn how to do it.

Variable Color is a new feature of SF Symbols that allows you to change the appearance of a symbol based on a percentage value. Let's learn what it is and how to use it.

This is the story behind the Facebook for iOS (FBiOS) codebase and its evolution over the last 10 years.