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SOLID Principles Applied To Swift
A maintainable component. Reusable. Just a dream? Maybe not. SOLID principles, may be the way.

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Blog posts
Learn how to develop a simple iOS project in Swift using VIPER, one of the trending iOS Project Architecture alternatives to MVC.

There are many validation libraries for iOS but most of them are tied to the UI. The basic idea is to have a class that encapsulates all the validation logic.
Interesting technique for implementing reflection in Swift enums.

There has been a ton of debate on the swift-evolution mailing lists about access control in Swift. A couple of days ago, the proposal SE-0159: Fix Private Access Levels was rejected.

Attributes improve the efficiency of your codebase, without sacrificing the quality of your code. Jordan Morgan, iOS at Buffer, created a short guide to Swift's attributes.

Map and filter get all the glory, but reduce is the quiet workhorse.

Nora is a Firebase abstraction layer for FirebaseDatabase and FirebaseStorage.

Gliding Collection is a smooth, flowing, customizable decision for a UICollectionView Swift Controller.

Open source
Neural Network built in Apple Playground using Swift.


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