Infinum #iOSCocoaTreats - weekly dev newsletter
Jan 21 2016
Super sweet syntactic sugar for Swift initializers.
A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS.
Defines a protocol to enable UIViewControllers or UIViews to present placeholder views based on content, loading, error or empty states.
Collection of nice loading animations, written in Swift.
When and how to use enums in Swift? This is a detailed practical overview of all the possibilities enums can offer you.
Good blog post by Russ Bishop about Swift's implementation of generics, and use of Associated Types.
Learn how to automate your tests and builds using GitHub, Fastlane, Travis CI, and HockeyApp,
Ever browsed the web for help, only to find the popular answers leave you hungry for more? In our fifth episode, Michael helps you tame your onscreen keyboard when it hides your UI by sliding it out of the way using UIScrollView.
Refactorator is an Xcode plugin for refactoring Swift code. It will rename public or internal vars, functions, enums etc.
CocoaPods now has a Mac App! 🎉
Newsletter content curated by Vedran from Infinum iOS Team
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