This library enables you to write unit tests which test the layout of a view in multiple configurations. It tests the view with different data combinations and different view sizes. The library works in both Objective-C and Swift.
SwiftString is a lightweight string extension for Swift. This library was motivated by having to search StackOverflow for common string operations, and wanting them to be in one place with test coverage.
Inspired by (but unrelated to) Periscope's permission control, PermissionScope is a Swift framework for intelligently requesting permissions from users. It contains not only a simple UI to request permissions but also a unified permissions API that can tell you the status of any given system permission or easily request them.
TRON is a lightweight network abstraction layer, built on top of Alamofire and SwiftyJSON. It can be used to dramatically simplify interacting with RESTful JSON web-services.
This proposal aims to eliminate Swift's use of "screaming snake case" like FILE and FUNCTION and replacing identifier instances with common octothorpe-prefixed lowercase #identifier representations.
Florian Kugler, co-author of the Core Data book, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the many approaches to using the framework. He provides you the tools to reason about the the best setup for yourself without relying on online authorities or Stack Overflow. By understanding the intricacies behind performance, concurrency, and save conflicts, you too can create the most suitable stack for your app.
Axosoft GitKraken is the intuitive, elegant, free Git GUI client for Windows, Mac and Linux. Visually manage branches, forks and merges in your Git repositories.
Newsletter content curated by Vedran from Infinum iOS Team