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Treat of the Week
Good iOS Application Architecture: MVVM, MVC, VIPER Which Architecture is the Best?
MVVM, MVC, VIPER so many acronyms, which architecture is the best? Let’s talk about the things that matter for good app architecture for iOS.

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Blog posts
There are a few alternatives regarding how to handle concurrency from Swift, this article will discuss everything you have at your disposal right now, to prepare the ground to the next part of this series that will discuss what is likely to come next.

In iOS development there are moments where you ask yourself: "To weak, or not to weak, that is the question". Let's see how "to weak" with the arrays.

🎨  Gradient animation effect like Instagram.

iOS license plists generator. Carthage, CocoaPods and the libraries specified by YAML file are supported.

Christopher covers lessons learned dealing with different error types in the app Line.

How to minimize complexity and maximize expressivity when writing in Swift.
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