Infinum #iOSCocoaTreats - weekly dev newsletter
Past issues
Aug 8
Aug 22
Aug 15 2019
String Interpolation, Trusting third party SDKs, Why won't it...
One more thing...
Hello, you're reading Infinum iOS Cocoa Treats, bringing you the latest iOS related news straight to your inbox every week.
Reddit SwiftUI
A cross-platform Reddit client built in SwiftUI.
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Why won't it...
He started muttering words under his breath – words that I have heard so many times before:
Why won’t it let me…?
Trusting third party SDKs
Third-party SDKs can often easily be
while you download them!
The Power of String Interpolation in Swift
We speak strings, we write strings.
Deriving Reactive from Imperative: An Introduction to Duals
While Apple’s Combine framework didn’t take center stage, its implications on our community certainly will for the next decade.
Writing an Elegant and Extensible Network Stack in Swift
Apple constantly updates their networking APIs to make them easier to use. However, I find that a lot of people still are hesitant to…
Monads as a Programming Pattern
This article is written from a programmer’s perspective, where a monad is a software engineering pattern.
Gentle Generics
John Sundell at Hacking with Swift Live 2019.
These Legit-Looking iPhone Lightning Cables Will Hijack Your Computer
It looks like an Apple lightning cable. It works like an Apple lightning cable. But it will give an attacker a way to remotely tap into your computer.
Previous Issues
Mar 16
Building a Scrollable Custom Tab Bar in SwiftUI, Swift 5.8 and more!
Feb 23
Arbitrary SwiftUI Linear Gradient Rotation, Xcode 16.3, iOS 16.4 and more
Feb 16
Using User Defaults to store preferences in Swift, Swift Cookbook and more...
Feb 9
Color-naming systems, mastering charts and more!
Feb 2
30 000 lines of SwiftUI, Peer Feedback, Master Charts and more!
Jan 26
Storyboard or Code, VisionKit, iOS 16.3 and more!
Jan 19
ChatGPT with SwiftUI, M2 Pro, M2 Max and more!
Jan 12
iOS 16 Photo Picker, SwiftUI Charts, Tips to Survive in Tech and more!
Jan 5
iOS Developer Trends, Enums explained, SwiftUI and more...
Dec 22
Announcing Lottie 4.0, SwiftUI Lifecycles and more!
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