Infinum #iOSCocoaTreats - weekly dev newsletter
Past issues
Jul 2
Jul 16
Jul 9 2020
Property Wrappers, WWDC and As We May Code
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Hello, you're reading Infinum iOS Cocoa Treats, bringing you the latest iOS related news straight to your inbox every week.
Swift UI Property Wrappers
Learn what SwiftUI's @State, @Binding, @StateObject, and @ObservedObject property wrappers do, and when they should be used.
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Introducing Swift’s New Modern Date Picker
A UI component that was long overdue for a refresh just got one.
Using an AppDelegate with the new SwiftUI-based app lifecycle
Another useful interoperability API.
Full-screen development with Xcode and the Simulator
Using Xcode and the Simulator in full-scree.
A SignInWithAppleButton in SwiftUI
Apple has made it even easier to implement its new Sign in with Apple functionality.
Modern cell configuration
Discover new techniques for configuring collection view and table view cells to quickly build dynamic interfaces in your app.
Refine Objective-C frameworks for Swift
Fine-tune your Objective-C headers to work beautifully in Swift.
Useful Xcode breakpoint
When you dismiss a controller and you don’t hear the pop sound (or see the log), you probably have a retain cycle.
As We May Code
What if, instead of lowering source code down for the purpose of execution, we raised it for the purpose of understanding?
P.S. We are hiring!
Previous Issues
Mar 16
Building a Scrollable Custom Tab Bar in SwiftUI, Swift 5.8 and more!
Feb 23
Arbitrary SwiftUI Linear Gradient Rotation, Xcode 16.3, iOS 16.4 and more
Feb 16
Using User Defaults to store preferences in Swift, Swift Cookbook and more...
Feb 9
Color-naming systems, mastering charts and more!
Feb 2
30 000 lines of SwiftUI, Peer Feedback, Master Charts and more!
Jan 26
Storyboard or Code, VisionKit, iOS 16.3 and more!
Jan 19
ChatGPT with SwiftUI, M2 Pro, M2 Max and more!
Jan 12
iOS 16 Photo Picker, SwiftUI Charts, Tips to Survive in Tech and more!
Jan 5
iOS Developer Trends, Enums explained, SwiftUI and more...
Dec 22
Announcing Lottie 4.0, SwiftUI Lifecycles and more!
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