Infinum #iOSCocoaTreats - weekly dev newsletter
Past issues
Oct 8
Oct 22
Oct 15 2020
SwiftUI, Lazy Observers and Reducing Boilerplate Code
One more thing...
Hello, you're reading Infinum iOS Cocoa Treats, bringing you the latest iOS related news straight to your inbox every week.
8 Common SwiftUI Mistakes
And how to fix them,
Write less code and get more done.
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Reduce boilerplate code with an automatic synthesis of Equatable and Hashable
Equatable and Hashable are two essential protocols in the Swift world. Let's learn an old Swift feature that you might forget.
Lazy property observers
How Swift 5.3 lets us combine lazy properties with willSet and didSet observers.
How to use the #available attribute in Swift
Run code on specific iOS versions, mark methods as deprecated or obsoleted, and rename methods using the available attribute.
How to Preview Photos in SwiftUI
Scale and animate photos from a photo grid.
Tools & Libraries
iOS Nuts & Bolts
iOS bits and pieces that you can include in your project to make your life a bit easier.
Introducing Swift on Windows
The Swift project is introducing new downloadable Swift toolchain images for Windows!
Deadline extended for app updates using UIWebView
Apple designed WKWebView in 2014 to ensure that you can integrate web content into your app quickly, securely, and consistently across iOS and macOS.
P.S. We are hiring!
Previous Issues
Mar 16
Building a Scrollable Custom Tab Bar in SwiftUI, Swift 5.8 and more!
Feb 23
Arbitrary SwiftUI Linear Gradient Rotation, Xcode 16.3, iOS 16.4 and more
Feb 16
Using User Defaults to store preferences in Swift, Swift Cookbook and more...
Feb 9
Color-naming systems, mastering charts and more!
Feb 2
30 000 lines of SwiftUI, Peer Feedback, Master Charts and more!
Jan 26
Storyboard or Code, VisionKit, iOS 16.3 and more!
Jan 19
ChatGPT with SwiftUI, M2 Pro, M2 Max and more!
Jan 12
iOS 16 Photo Picker, SwiftUI Charts, Tips to Survive in Tech and more!
Jan 5
iOS Developer Trends, Enums explained, SwiftUI and more...
Dec 22
Announcing Lottie 4.0, SwiftUI Lifecycles and more!
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