Infinum #iOSCocoaTreats - weekly dev newsletter
Past issues
Dec 10
Dec 24
Dec 17 2020
Swift@Uber, DateFormatter & Understanding ProRAW
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Hello, you're reading Infinum iOS Cocoa Treats, bringing you the latest iOS related news straight to your inbox every week.
Develop Apps with SwiftUI
Create apps using SwiftUI and Xcode. Build Scrumdinger, an app that keeps track of daily scrums.
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Swift @ Uber
Amazing thread about Uber’s almost-catastrophic Swift rewrite.
Where We Work
A blog post showing a glimpse of where our people work.
How expensive is DateFormatter
If you are working on iOS for long enough, there is a chance that you might have known that DateFormatter is expensive, but what is costly about DateFormatter?
Result in Swift: Getting started with Code Examples
Make use of methods like map, flatMap, flatMapError, and clean up your code.
200 weeks of Swift
Wrapping up the weekly article series with three of my major overall learnings after close to four years of continuous writing about Swift.
Understanding ProRAW
A journey into cameras, RAW, and a look at what makes ProRAW so special — and how it could change how everyone shoots and edits on iPhone.
Introducing SwiftNIO SSH
I am delighted to introduce a new open source project for the Swift Server ecosystem, SwiftNIO SSH.
P.S. We are hiring!
Previous Issues
Mar 16
Building a Scrollable Custom Tab Bar in SwiftUI, Swift 5.8 and more!
Feb 23
Arbitrary SwiftUI Linear Gradient Rotation, Xcode 16.3, iOS 16.4 and more
Feb 16
Using User Defaults to store preferences in Swift, Swift Cookbook and more...
Feb 9
Color-naming systems, mastering charts and more!
Feb 2
30 000 lines of SwiftUI, Peer Feedback, Master Charts and more!
Jan 26
Storyboard or Code, VisionKit, iOS 16.3 and more!
Jan 19
ChatGPT with SwiftUI, M2 Pro, M2 Max and more!
Jan 12
iOS 16 Photo Picker, SwiftUI Charts, Tips to Survive in Tech and more!
Jan 5
iOS Developer Trends, Enums explained, SwiftUI and more...
Dec 22
Announcing Lottie 4.0, SwiftUI Lifecycles and more!
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