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AppKit is Done
Learn how to build delightful macOS apps using only SwiftUI.
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Bridging to/from Objective-C is an important part of Swift development due to the Obj-C history of Apple's platforms.

Learn why we moved from Jenkins to Buildkite, what the current most promising services are, and how we evaluated them.

The App Size Problem Uber’s iOS mobile Apps for Rider, Driver, and Eats are large in size. 

A Pager View in SwiftUI is created easily using a simple enum based View combined with custom transitions for a paging experience.

How to use UIViewController and UIView in SwiftUI with Swift 5? How to pass data between UIKit and SwiftUI?
There is a new article that talks about storing and sharing of Cookies across Apps in iOS.

Today, we’re excited to launch the Mobile Native Foundation. Backed by The Linux Foundation, along with Airbnb, Corellium, Elotl…