Pull-to-refresh animation in UICollectionView with a sticky header flow layout, written in Swift. Implementation of Zee Young's Dribbble animation (https://dribbble.com/shots/2067564-Replace).
Peek and Pop is a great new iOS feature introduced with iPhone 6S and 6S+ that allows you to easily preview content using 3D touch. Sadly, almost 80% of iOS users are on older devices. PeekPop is a Swift framework that brings backwards-compatibility to Peek and Pop.
The title of this tutorial is a bit misleading because the Swift programming language doesn't support abstract classes. Fortunately, there are workarounds. In this tutorial, we take a look at two alternatives to the abstract class pattern.
Using value types over reference types in Swift is easier than it ever was in Objective-C, making your code more expressive and less error-prone. However, many shy away from it once the need for shared behavior comes up, and they default to subclassing. Through Natasha’s introduction to MVVM at do{iOS} 2015, learn how to use protocols and subclass no more! Natasha the Robot will walk you through her process of learning and using protocol-oriented programming to leverage Swift 2.0’s power and create beautiful, robust code.
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