BWWalkthrough (BWWT) is a class that helps you create Walkthroughs for your iOS Apps. It differs from other similar classes in that there is no rigid template; BWWT is just a layer placed over your controllers that gives you complete freedom on the design of your views.
Back in Objective-C, we prepared all of our view controller properties in viewDidLoad because that was our only option unless we wanted to subclass every element to provide custom initializers. Using some tricks in Swift, we can provide clear, readable initalization outside of viewDidLoad that makes our code easier to read and reason about.
Swift is a powerful, expressive language with a flexible, elegant syntax. One of the features is native support for error handling. It is easy to ignore errors in Objective-C, but Swift is much stricter, which is a good thing.
Do you want to contribute to Swift? Not sure how or where to begin? It can be overwhelming! In this talk from the inaugural try! Swift conference, Jesse will help you explore the different parts of Swift, see how the various Swift projects are related, discuss the skills you need to get started, and learn the best ways to get your first fix accepted.
DevMate is a development and distribution platform for Mac developers. License and protect software, deliver updates to customers, collect crash reports and feedback. In-depth analytics give you a quick and complete overview of how your business is operating.
Newsletter content curated by Vedran from Infinum iOS Team