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 WWDC 2022: Lessons from the SwiftUI Digital Lounges
This has been the second year of WWDC Digital Lounges which gave us an opportunity to get our questions directly answered by the makers of SwiftUI (and other frameworks).
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The some keyword in Swift allows you to define opaque parameter and return types.
Exploring the new Navigation API in SwiftUI.
Visualise data distributions by building a histogram and a 2D density plot with the new Swift Charts framework.
Xcode 14 adds support for keyboard layout guides to Interface Builder.
In iOS 16, we have a new view to select multiple dates.

This change didn’t show up on a slide or a session. Rather, it’s a change that gives much more flexibility.

Property wrappers were introduced in Swift 5.1 as a way to make it easier to reuse common programming patterns, but since then they have grown to work with local context, function and closure parameters, and more.

"I don’t have a time machine, but you can learn from my mistakes!"
SwiftUI 4 introduces a new ImageRenderer that can be used to render any SwiftUI view as an image in iOS 16.0. 
Let’s look at how to backport it to iOS 13.